Wolfgang Grieninger (Hauptautor)

The Question of Identity - Chinese Lutheran Christians in West Malaysia

Social, Psychological, and Theological Dimensions

This dissertation researches the identities of Chinese Christians in West Malaysia who are members of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM). Most of them are first-generation Christians and have turned from Chinese religious and secular backgrounds to the Christian faith. The focus is on the expression of their denominational identities compared with the identity of the LCM as expressed in official statements of the church or in Lutheran theology. The sociological, …
Bestellnummer: 313371
EAN: 9783872143716
Urheber: Wolfgang Grieninger (Hauptautor)
Produktart: Buch
Einbandart: Softcover
Seitenzahl: 695
veröffentlicht: 01.10.2023
39,90 €
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This dissertation researches the identities of Chinese Christians in West Malaysia who are members of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM). Most of them are first-generation Christians and have turned from Chinese religious and secular backgrounds to the Christian faith. The focus is on the expression of their denominational identities compared with the identity of the LCM as expressed in official statements of the church or in Lutheran theology. The sociological, psychological, and theological foundations of Lutheran identity provide the theoretical framework within which the individual identities of these members and LCM's communal identity are examined. These foundations include biblical, historical and contemporary theological concepts from Asia.
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